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The SU was established and is run by the students for the students with a mission to Serve, Represent, Entertain and Develop the student body. Originally starting as a small group of students, the student union has grown over the years to be part of the Student Government on campus creating life changing experiences. SU proved itself worthy and successful since it did not just help out the students but it also gave a unique experience to its members as they had the opportunity to learn new skills, develop their talents, and take over challenges. It was also a distinctive first step for them to learn what it is like to be part of an organization taking action and making a difference.


The SU Real life competition merely consolidates part of the Academic Affairs committee which focuses on enhancing and providing a well-rounded academic experience for students. However; SU extends to have a prominent role in the AUC community through the operation of other committees as well with the sole aim of serving the entity's mission. Such committees ensure that students are served through different outlets and tailored services, that their right are advocated for in political and academic aspects and that a series of activities and events, including large scale concerts, are organized for the sole purpose of entertainment. Gradually SU's projects expand their activity outside the walls of AUC to have a strong impact on active and vigorous students everywhere.

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